In the eye of the beholder

These days I've been thinking about the blog and "How it is turning into something new". Talking with one of my partners I cast back my mind to the previous version of the blog which seemed more interactive and where I had more visitor's comments. Now I'm trying to turn over a new leaf and changing bad routines by posting more interesting and catching things to the blog (for the bloggers sometimes is difficult not to replicate other people's work). I know that the last months I've been obsessed with my applications "Thundax XYZ," but in the meantime I had more time to carry out extensive research and being prepared for the next months with more interesting articles and works.

Now I can tell you that I'm setting up new articles with topics as interesting as SIFT (Scale-Invariant feature transform), that's a very interesting group of algorithms of image treatment, and I promised one article of this to one of my readers: Miguel Angel. I'm also looking for an algorithm for drawing graphs like Manhattan Routing or TaxiCab Distance. These algorithms are used to drawing lines into VLSI Routing architectures, and some well-known drawing applications use this algorithm to connect things using a grid as a layout.

As you can see, I have a lot of work here!!. Anyway, if you know anything about these kind of algorithm, I would be grate to know about them!. I'm trying to improve the drawing system of P-zaggy and I'm thinking on using one of these architectures for the drawing system. I also have in mind the A star algorithm that I published months ago, but It's commonly used in video games platforms.

Another thing I would like to talk is in a new project I'm totally immersed called Zaluum. This is the first open Source industrial automation platform and it's still on an early stage, but I think it'll work!. I'll let you know how it goes!.

But, What I would really like is to have a feedback about what I'm posting into the Blog. I know that sometimes it's difficult, but in order to gain confidence with the things I'm writing, I would appreciate that. The blog is running well, I have more than one thousand of visits per month and I've noticed that there are months that the visits have gone beyond two thousands. I've also made some improvements to the page and in order to gain exposure I enrolled myself to the most known sites like: technorati, delicious, flickr, digg, twitter, linkedIn, Youtube, SourceForge, jobsket, XING and DelphiFeeds. If you have time, don't forget to vote for me in these links in order to get more exposure or if you want to be in my RSS feed, you can access to the feedburner RSS feed.

Now, If you have a little of time, please, let me know what you think, and don't hesitate to contact me if you have any doubt on any of my previous articles.

Enjoy the reading!.

PD: Like the title of the article, "I'm the beholder", taking care of my blog and using heuristic tools to measure different things about the visitors in order to see what they are looking for!. However, I don't have a lot of time, and sometimes I'll find difficult to post news as I'm keen to finalize my degree in Computer Engineering and I have a lot homework and projects to do. (and sorry for my English!) .


  1. Hola Jordi,
    hay ocasiones que me es dificil seguir tus artículos ya que sólo publicas en Inglés. Quizás si publicaras tambien en Castellano como hacías anteriormente nos sería más fácil a los que estamos medio peleados con el inglés seguir tus artículos.
    Gracias y un cordial saludos...

  2. Gracias por tu comentário Miguel!. La verdad es que tanto si escribo en inglés como en español, no recibo el feedback adecuado y eso no me acaba de convencer. No se que otras técnicas utilizar, porqué por visitas no me puedo quejar!. Tal vez reemprenda mis viejas costumbres.
    Un Saludo!.

  3. I've changed the comment section.


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